Helmut Hauschild Software Engineering and Consulting (HSEC) is an IT- and management consulting firm specialized on complex custom software projects based on web- and mobile technologies.
Deeplearning4J, NVIDIA DIGITS, Tensorflow, Deep Learning in MATLAB
JEE, Weblogic, Glassfish, JBoss, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Grails, REST, SOAP, Ant, Maven, ExtJS
Rapidminer, AWS
BMW CA4, Dassault Enovia, Siemens Teamcenter, CATIA Integration, PLM Services, PLMXML, Visualization
Marketing Support, Market Resarch Tools, Data Analysis
Unity3D, Android, Alfa MediaSuite, Alfresco, Social Network Integration, OUYA
In his Blog "Notes on Personal Data Science", Helmut Hauschild wages an attempt, to explain artificial neural networks without talking about ne
Investors can now trade an index certificate that follows the Wikifolio WF0ANNDAX2 at the Stuttgart Stock Exchange (Börse Stuttgart) as well a
Consumers can now access a free SXP preview in the OUYA store. At this point SXP is a HSEC showcase study on user engagement. Learn more on the
This study provides a brief introduction to the integration of different business systems from both, the business perspective and the IT perspect